From prototyping to production;

Marshall specializes in the planning and necessities required for successful medium to long-run production programs.


At Marshall Manufacturing Company, we’ve spent over two decades developing cutting-edge precision machined medical devices and surgical instruments. We’re proud to supply new insights, technologies and solutions that advance the field of medical care and break new ground. Today, to help you decide whether Marshall is the right manufacturing partner for your needs, let’s take a moment to explore our approach—and how we can support your enterprise. 

Marshall Manufacturing Capabilities for Our Medical Customers

Marshall Manufacturing capabilities primarily include CNC Swiss Machining, CNC Micro Swiss Machining, CNC Laser Tube Machining and CNC Wire EDM. Our unique specialty is CNC 2D and 3D Small Diameter Wire & Tube Bending. Secondary processes include CNC Laser Welding, Assembly and Deburring processes which include Hand Deburring and Centrifugal Barrel Finishing. We also source finishing services such as teflon plating, passivation and electo-polish.

From Prototype Through Production

From prototype through production, we are customer-focused and provide solutions for challenging components and assemblies. Our engineering knowledge of tool design gives Marshall the ability to find cost-effective solutions for our customer’s specific needs.

Over the past decade, Marshall has developed complementary capabilities in the area of “CNC 3D Bending” of pre-machined wire and tubing. Our ability to orient machined features to specific bend features has earned Marshall a reputation as experts.

From Marshall’s origin in 1951, we have helped our customers by offering cost-saving processes. When applicable, we offer value engineering suggestions to improve the manufacturability of a component. “Cost Optimization Strategies” continue to be a strength our customers deeply value.

Verification and validation of medical components and assemblies is commonplace at Marshall. If you don’t have a validation plan, we can assist you by developing a protocol.

Every customer has their own specific delivery requirements. Marshall offers many delivery methods including KanBan and Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI).

CNC Precision Machining

Marshall Manufacturing Company is not your average medical device contract manufacturer. It’s true, we do offer some of the usual machining processes, such as CNC Swiss machining of diameters as large as 20 mm (.785”) andmicro CNC Swiss machining as small as .25 mm (.010”) diameters. We supply laser tube machining with diameters ranging from 2.5 mm to 1 mm (.098” to .039”). Secondary operations provided by Marshall include CNC wire EDM (electric discharge machining) and laser welding.

Laser Tube Cutting

Laser Tube MachiningAdding to the complexity of the manufacturing process, customers often require that the laser features cut within the tube align precisely with a defined bend radius or a selected datum. This alignment can be achieved by using one of a variety of methods, including proximity sensors, stops, laser sights, probes or an automation camera. For this project, because of the distinct laser cut patterns, an automation camera can be programmed to communicate with the robotic arm of the CNC 3-D bending machine. The robotic arm can then orient these features into their appropriate position prior to the bending operation.

Adding A Twist To Manufacturing

In many instances, it’s what Marshall Manufacturing Company does after the precision machining processes that really sets us apart. Many of our customers are looking for unique and specialized processes.

CNC Wire Bending

Many of our customers have products that are made of small diameter rod stock. In the medical manufacturing industry, this is often called “wire”. Prior to receiving this material from our supplier, it has gone through a straightening and grinding process and arrives at Marshall in 12-foot lengths. This material is then brought into our Swiss machining area. 

 PNG CNC 3D BendingA Swiss machine provides a multitude of functions, including but not limited to turning, milling, boring, cross-hole drilling, slotting, threading and counterboring. Swiss machines can hold very close tolerances. The Swiss machine has two spindles, which function independently of each other. In most cases, the main spindle holds the part as machining is performed on the front end of the part—and when completed, the part is handed off to the sub spindle, where the back portion of the part is machined. Products are typically machined complete in the Swiss, without the need for additional machining processes.

The CNC 3-D bending machine can be utilized for bending pre-machined wire. Machined features such as slots, grooves or flats can be oriented to the bend. The CNC Bending machine is excellent for repeatability. If there are stress variations in material—or if there is a new heat-lot of material—simple program off-sets can be applied to the bending machine.

For fast and accurate inspection of bent components, Marshall often develops drop-in gages. The CNC bending operator can easily achieve 100% inspection of parts while attending the bending machine.

CNC Tube Bending

PNG CNC 3D Bending

One of those processes is “CNC 3-D bending” of small diameter pre-laser machined tubing. An example of this capability, a 3 mm (.118”) diameter, 200 mm (7.874”) long tube, has been processed through one of our laser tube machines. This specific tube has many laser machined features—including trapezoidal windows, very narrow axial, radial and helical slots cut through the tube on the distal end of the part.

Unlock Medical Innovation with Marshall

Ready to learn more about Marshall Manufacturing Company and how our CNC Swiss Machining, CNC Wire EDM, and CNC Laser Tube Cutting solutions can support your business? Then be sure to contact us today. Whether your team needs precision machined medical devices, surgical instruments or consultancy for innovation and excellence, Marshall is here to help. 

Precision Machining Services - for medical and food processing components

CNC Swiss & Micro-Swiss Machining

Swiss machine are capable of multiple operations, including; turning, milling, drilling, threading and additional operations.
Marshall Manufacturing Capabilities laser Machining capabilities

CNC Laser Tube Machining

Marshall offers CNC Laser Tube Machining. As a medical device manufacturer, our machines can produce highly intricate designs.

CNC Laser Welding of small parts

CNC Laser Welding

CNC Laser Welding is one of many methods Marshall uses for the assembly of components within medical device manufacturing.
Marshall Manufacturing Capabilities - Wire EDM


Within Medical Device Manufacturing, Wire EDM is often utilized for cutting slots and grooves in multiple stacked parts.
cnc turning machine in tool room

CNC Turning and Milling

CNC Turning and CNC Milling are typically dedicated to toolmaking, which is part of Marshall’s total capability set.

Assembly of Medical Devices at Marshall Manufacturing Company

Medical Assembly

Marshall employs a variety of methods for the assembly of components, including CNC laser welding, press fitting and epoxy.